So the other day, I was checking my draft entries,
and I found this.
Memang aku rasa nak cepuk je bahasa budak ni
dah lah urdu. pastu cam acah bagus je tanak betudung gitu.
cam bagus je only this ramadhan, not ready enuff. puiiii
aku lempang apa pun tak dapat nanti. haha
Yes, that was me. When I was 19 years old.
Tula orang kata nak tulis pape lain kali pikir,
Tak pasal pasal yemi umur 25 tahun ni gelimat. hahaha
That annoying Irwansyah, was that lovable ex.
lovable lah sangat.
Tapi kalau bukan pasal dia, aku mungkin tak bertudung.
Well, not really. Kawan-kawan aku yang lebih encourage aku.
but, yeah, he's one of those people anyway.
So, it is weird but fascinating.
You can never guess bila hidayah tu akan datang.
How it will come, how it will happen
and through whom Allah will let it goes to you.
When it comes, it comes.
Cherish the moment and take the opportunity to change.
Sekian, dari ustajah Yemi. hahahaha k.
This is my turning point in my Hijrah story.
What about you?
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