Monday, March 23, 2009

dinner dinner

yea ary tu dinner kt sha alam
tmpt tedow toksah bosann gle
nsb bek dinner cmbes

bes a sgt.

theme mlm tu black tie
batch aku represent phantom of the opera.
dress toksah ta lawa
mlm tu cm ptandingan lwn dress je
egeh3 :3
de next day lak induction part1.
jauhnye g utan lipur ktne tah
sumwhere around rawang
ta mnd sungai pon
abs je induction tu part len sume blek kmpus
part2 je stay
cz case study dowg kt sha alam a
aku ta blek kmpus cz after tu tade cls pon
so aku ikot je a dowg
tedow ngn dowg agy
dating mlm2 smpai kul3 :3
bes kot blek uma tp kne uat kolaj
ta buat pon
festival nxt sem cpt a sket
mcm bes je


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