its my befday this month.
bt i'll be celebrating my befday in its usual way la ofcz.
antarenye ialah; tade na wish ta bagi adiah bwt2 lupe
i've once cried time form bpe tah ea
psl my own fmly pon lupe
tp biasela
mne la org na engat ko pnye befday amy
ko igt ko britney spears?
back to our discussion okayyy.
well, i have my own wishlist.
saje na publish
kot2 ade org na bg
nyahahahha :3
okay okay
bwk btenang
bace slow2 ea.
my wishlist:
1. Cecelia Ahern's novel.
2. some cute blouse :3
3. jewelleries
4. sjambak ros (kakaka)
5. kete baru
6. fon baru
7. broadband.
utk org2 yg ttentu plz take note k.
harapnye my beday dis year will b much btter.
tp ta mghrp pon
tataa :3
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