akhrnye abes jgk part3
takla suffer cm las sem tp still suffer ahaha.
kl ni suffer mentally cz all the lectrr gone maddd.
one of the reason mstylah siBABI H1N1
stdy week da tade mnyebbkn sume final projek dbwe ke exm month.
paling meriah di dunie *wink wink*
lets refreshh bck on wts hot n wts nottt pade sem yg betuah ni
hahahacilake a :D
1st skali is class bel.
mule2 msuk clas, mmbe2 aku agak ske a lectrr ni kn
which we called 'ustad bel'
(cz dye pkai kopiah n jggut putih pnjg cm ustad) ;)
kononnye soooo diffrent frm mr. gopal (ske nganjeng dak2 cls aku dlu)
aku mule2 ta bkenan tp aku diamkn je
da lme2 baru a nmpk betape tak ngamnye ustad ni ngn kitorg.
antare yg dye plg skeeee mencarut dlm cls aku:
:'hey you. yes you. go and wash ur face. NOW.' (kes tlelap dlm cls)
tp mmgla sumpah cls tu boring aku mmg pna ttdo.
bel pon kn spe yg tak boring.
n then there's cls landform n eatrhworks.
kire2 na wt road, pedestrian system, parking mwahhaha
aku plgtensennnn cls ni
sb ngire aaaa aku plg benci math
aku pon tatau a fnl projek ari tu oke ke tak
wlaupon sume org refer kt aku
aku tatau pon aku betol ke tak
cz kmungkinan tuk aku wt silly mistake is like sooooo tinggi.
tp wt model oke a kot.
haha sumpah aku tanakrepeat bnd ni aku bleh nanges aer mate darah seyyalll~
talking bout trips.
every sem kitorg msty blambak trip gempak2
mulenye hoping tht things will b the same or BETTER than the previous sem la
skali ble dye btau ape aktvti sem ni,
i was like weeeyyyyyyyyhhhhh
hamek kao.
aku ta cm na mncarut dah time tu
cmping? eurghhhh.
tp ble pk blk tape a ngn kwn2 tak trase la kepalatannye tu kot ahaha
cmping 1st which was our main event yg mane mreke panggil kawanlads.
location? chepor chemor
i dun really noe where chepor chemor is n i hope tmpt tu k a
turns out the plce ws like
walllawehhhh ko na bg kitorg msuk realiti tv ke ape ni
the plce was a mess
toilet cm ****
dr cmping tu la i got all these rashes yg da jd parut tp sriusly mcm
aku ta cm nyumpah2 lak.
tanak dah aku g cmping.
sperti yg dbritau dr awl td
dsbbkn H1N1
pjalanan sem ni cm agak klam kabut
mmbuatkn byk trip kne cancel las mnt sb ta ckup mse.
aku tatau a aku bsyukur ke tak.
aku agak frustratd sb ta dpt na menggile sem ni
tp aku agak bebesar aty gak a sb duit aku tapya na abes cm biskut chipsmore sem ni.
tp trip studio aku ne ley batal weyy na jd ape final projek aku t
so kl ni ktorg heading to kl.
our site ws around jalan tar gitu.
mule2 aku cm, 'ha? kl? alahai.'
tp ble pk blek slame ni aku g kl tuk jalan tuk shopin
y not kali ni aku pndg kl dr segi arts n architecture
lbey kurg a kan baru a bunyik cm akademik sket ;)
nothing much to say. the trip was OK.
hotel aku yg crk n arranged so mstyla kne kate OK hahaha
site pon oke
baru a rse idop tgh2 kl cne kan
jd photographer jalanan jap smpai tgh mlm
well overall oke a.
cume sb bkn ngn studio sndr kn bkn ngn kwn2 sndr.
sket sbanyak keterujaan tu kurang a :D
ha ni ni
ni yg paling bes ni
trip for sbjek ecosystem ecology.
tp yg boring tu CAMPING.
mule2 aku mmg cm bebelah bagi
fobia wktu kt chepor chemor tu tak ilang lg.
tp aku g a
sb ni mmg batch aku je.
tak cmpur senior n junior.
mule2 smpai aku dga lctrr aku kte kne jungle trekking HEBAT
adoi aku da la sempot.
try my hardest la kn.
sumpah sempot seyyal tu la yg paling aku lemah tu
tp bak kte miley cyrus,
mmg pon aa turns out cmping kali ni tade a anjeng sgt
bes gak a
tade rushing pon
mcm saje2 lari dr kmpus g cmping na lapangkn minda.
byk gakla kngn yg dpt.
pe2 pn trip yg ni wlaupn tak grand.
but its really meningful to me.
n then ade qiblat.
our annual event aa
yg pastinye kl ni lg bemakne sb
tp ni qiblat raye so wane wani a wehh
makan sedap cume bak kte wan cherry berry haha
n then exammm
tak a berat sgt pon
3 paper je
bel, ctu, eco.
biase je a mls na cte panjang dah dah.
pastu sgale final pon berebut la na anta wktu exam kn
bagos betul
final projek tuk studio aku ni la tak ssh ne
cume sb aku dtest dr segi mentally
tu yg wt aku neves n takott ble na g crit keje ngn lectrr
nwayy akhrnye final da submit
so ni jela story sem ni
mls a na tulis pnjg2 bkn org rajin na bace pon
we have our next event coming up this december.
its ALAM.
tgu aku post pasal ni lak ea
daaadaa. ;D
post kali tak ade gmba sb aku maleh na upload nnty2 a :p
takla suffer cm las sem tp still suffer ahaha.
kl ni suffer mentally cz all the lectrr gone maddd.
one of the reason mstylah si
stdy week da tade mnyebbkn sume final projek dbwe ke exm month.
lets refreshh bck on wts hot n wts nottt pade sem yg betuah ni
1st skali is class bel.
mule2 msuk clas, mmbe2 aku agak ske a lectrr ni kn
which we called 'ustad bel'
(cz dye pkai kopiah n jggut putih pnjg cm ustad) ;)
kononnye soooo diffrent frm mr. gopal (ske nganjeng dak2 cls aku dlu)
aku mule2 ta bkenan tp aku diamkn je
da lme2 baru a nmpk betape tak ngamnye ustad ni ngn kitorg.
antare yg dye plg skeeee mencarut dlm cls aku:
:'hey you. yes you. go and wash ur face. NOW.' (kes tlelap dlm cls)
:'lets hear frm the shah alam girl again. yes you. plz read the text.' (ske gle bahan dak shah alam)
:'there's no reason for u to come late to cls. i cme all d way frm manjung still i can cme to cls on time.'(mrh budak2 datang lmbat)
:'y dun u specialized or focus on wt landscape will bla bla bla bla'(konon tau sume psl course aku)
tp mmgla sumpah cls tu boring aku mmg pna ttdo.
bel pon kn spe yg tak boring.
n then there's cls landform n eatrhworks.
kire2 na wt road, pedestrian system, parking mwahhaha
aku plg
sb ngire aaaa aku plg benci math
paling aku benci bile sume calculation tu kne anta at the end of evry cls
clculation klw senang tape.aku pon tatau a fnl projek ari tu oke ke tak
wlaupon sume org refer kt aku
aku tatau pon aku betol ke tak
cz kmungkinan tuk aku wt silly mistake is like sooooo tinggi.
tp wt model oke a kot.
haha sumpah aku tanak
talking bout trips.
every sem kitorg msty blambak trip gempak2
mulenye hoping tht things will b the same or BETTER than the previous sem la
skali ble dye btau ape aktvti sem ni,
i was like weeeyyyyyyyyhhhhh
hamek kao.
aku ta cm na mncarut dah time tu
cmping? eurghhhh.
tp ble pk blk tape a ngn kwn2 tak trase la kepalatannye tu kot ahaha
cmping 1st which was our main event yg mane mreke panggil kawanlads.
location? chepor chemor
i dun really noe where chepor chemor is n i hope tmpt tu k a
turns out the plce ws like
the plce was a mess
toilet cm ****
dr cmping tu la i got all these rashes yg da jd parut tp sriusly mcm
ciken pox
aku ta cm nyumpah2 lak.
tanak dah aku g cmping.
this is only frm my point of view. jgn ade yg trase.
sperti yg dbritau dr awl td
dsbbkn H1N1
pjalanan sem ni cm agak klam kabut
mmbuatkn byk trip kne cancel las mnt sb ta ckup mse.
aku tatau a aku bsyukur ke tak.
aku agak frustratd sb ta dpt na menggile sem ni
tp aku agak bebesar aty gak a sb duit aku tapya na abes cm biskut chipsmore sem ni.
tp trip studio aku ne ley batal weyy na jd ape final projek aku t
so kl ni ktorg heading to kl.
our site ws around jalan tar gitu.
mule2 aku cm, 'ha? kl? alahai.'
tp ble pk blek slame ni aku g kl tuk jalan tuk shopin
y not kali ni aku pndg kl dr segi arts n architecture
lbey kurg a kan baru a bunyik cm akademik sket ;)
nothing much to say. the trip was OK.
hotel aku yg crk n arranged so mstyla kne kate OK hahaha
site pon oke
baru a rse idop tgh2 kl cne kan
jd photographer jalanan jap smpai tgh mlm
well overall oke a.
cume sb bkn ngn studio sndr kn bkn ngn kwn2 sndr.
sket sbanyak keterujaan tu kurang a :D
ha ni ni
ni yg paling bes ni
trip for sbjek ecosystem ecology.
tp yg boring tu CAMPING.
mule2 aku mmg cm bebelah bagi
fobia wktu kt chepor chemor tu tak ilang lg.
tp aku g a
sb ni mmg batch aku je.
tak cmpur senior n junior.
mule2 smpai aku dga lctrr aku kte kne jungle trekking HEBAT
adoi aku da la sempot.
try my hardest la kn.
sumpah sempot seyyal tu la yg paling aku lemah tu
tp bak kte miley cyrus,
'life is the climb, but the view is great.'
mmg pon aa turns out cmping kali ni tade a anjeng sgt
bes gak a
tade rushing pon
mcm saje2 lari dr kmpus g cmping na lapangkn minda.
byk gakla kngn yg dpt.
pe2 pn trip yg ni wlaupn tak grand.
but its really meningful to me.
thanks en azrul, lectrr for eco :)
n then ade qiblat.
our annual event aa
yg pastinye kl ni lg bemakne sb
batch aku yg organized.
ape ea tema mlm tu alahai ta igt atp ni qiblat raye so wane wani a wehh
makan sedap cume bak kte wan cherry berry haha
tah ktne silapnye
n then exammm
tak a berat sgt pon
3 paper je
bel, ctu, eco.
biase je a mls na cte panjang dah dah.
pastu sgale final pon berebut la na anta wktu exam kn
final projek tuk studio aku ni la tak ssh ne
cume sb aku dtest dr segi mentally
tu yg wt aku neves n takott ble na g crit keje ngn lectrr
nwayy akhrnye final da submit
so ni jela story sem ni
we have our next event coming up this december.
its ALAM.
tgu aku post pasal ni lak ea
daaadaa. ;D
post kali tak ade gmba sb aku maleh na upload nnty2 a :p
5 mangkuk maggi:
arghhh..kau dah amek dulu modal aku nk cerita pasal ustad bel.klu dlu cerita pasal goal bapak oli agak meletup kat blog aku,aku sure cerita ustad bel akan meletup juga..xpe,aku akan cerita juga pasal ustad bel tu kat next blog aku..aku akan terangkan lebih detail..hahaha.chekidaut,kuehtart.blogspot.com..ngeh2..promote.
elehhh sen
aku cte psl ustad bel ta byk a
skali dye bace mmpos dye failkn bel kte
ustad bel jd pilihan....
pape pon sem 3 adelah sem paling neraka!!
yg pntg...
da lepas seksa..
sama2 tggu kene repeat k x...
Yela pkachoq. Yg pntg rslt kte sblik ngn spe lg dnanti2 pasni egeh3 =)
Hehehehe.....yg pntg u all bykkn brdoa jgn repeat....yeah.... Gud luck guy.....gud luck bby.... -ameen-
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