Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dun say its okay.

i guess u didnt realize
that im not the 1 for u.
u think dat we hav evrything in cmmon
can share everything we do n we like together.
u think dat u'll luv me for the rest of ur life.
but i think u wrong
i may not b the girl of ur dream
i know u'll say dat every bit of silly little things dat i said
would be nothing
"it doesnt matter". YOU said.
but i said. "it DOES matter".
THEY dun like me.
its like im the bad girl here for goodness sake.
like a very poor girl
that tries to fit in a bunch of very glamorous type of ppl
i know im not pretty.
nor do i look gorgeous.
but i try my best to be cnfident
and not gnna let those bastard ppl bringing me down AGAIN.
as i grew older,
i am cnfident n hppier than before
its so hppy that it shines my life.
but now i think i dun see that shine anymore
so it seems to fades my cnfident
n im here again,
being that stupid low cnfident silly litle UGLY girl
as for u now,
u dun realize it d u?
im not rich
im not gorgeous
im hideous
im that ugly duckling once again.
we're in a two very DIFFERENT world.
u doesnt suit me.
and i doesnt suit u.
i always yelling at u
like a bitch.
one of the things that girls shouldnt do.
but i do it like heyy its my hobby!!
wtever you fishit.
but though u still didnt realize it.
thnk u you for letting me gettin a grip of it again
so u may leave me.
n find a better girl that suits ur style,
and ur life.
im jz not for u.
im the ordinary girl
that hates to see her own face.
im not that girl that u deserve to be with.
leave me before its too late.
i dun mind.
i jz dun see the point where i should be with some1,
and in luv with some1.

if u read this,
dun say anything.
sometimes things are better left unsaid.

0 mangkuk maggi:

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